在美国建立强大, 向非营利组织捐款, 注册的慈善机构, 协会, 市, 社会企业, 土著团体和基金会:
- equip first responders with the resources they need to keep our communities safe;
- 改善未来能源问题解决者的教育机会;
- 保护和改善今天和明天的环境;
- 减少威尼斯电玩城手游社区福祉的障碍.
TC Energy prioritizes funding to organizations that can clearly articulate anticipated community impact on their funding application and are able to timely report on impact post-funding.
In 2023, 威尼斯电玩城手游投资了3400多万加元,000 different initiatives or scholarship recipients across 1015+ communities.
的 建立强大的 application is open annually from January to November. 决定通常在8-10周内做出.
A tax-deductible donation made to an organization that does not require the donor to receive significant goods or services in return.
A donation of equipment or resources owned by TC Energy made to an organization. Some examples include furniture, vehicles, computers and employee time.
的 威尼斯电玩城手游奖学金 program provides financial support to students enrolled in post-secondary institutions. 威尼斯电玩城手游在加拿大,美国和加拿大提供超过750个奖学金.S. 和墨西哥帮助发展下一代的多元化, innovative community leaders and provide a skilled workforce for our industry.
TC Energy Tech Hub creates a safe space for Houston youth to receive high-quality, 动手干教育
TC Energy与Comp-U-Dopt合作, a non-profit providing 技术 access and education to Houston's underserved youth. 通过这种伙伴关系, 威尼斯电玩城手游正在帮助培养未来的领导者, 为下一代建立强大而熟练的劳动力队伍. 解决对技术的迫切需求, we donated 150 computers and laptops to students in need as well as US$200,创建威尼斯电玩城手游技术中心. 的 Tech Hub is a space where Comp-U-Dopt delivers high-quality, 实践科学, 技术, engineering and math (STEM) education programming to hundreds of students in the Houston area in 2021.